Nature's Energy
In a gentle breeze on a sunny, blue sky day;
In stormclouds bringing in the rain, in thunder rumbling far away;
In the wings of birds and Queens and Drones, in calming hums and mellow tones;
In the soothing thrum of atoms, cells and molecules and bones.
Nature's Energy
In the gift of life pulsing through our veins,
In mountain streams and ocean waves, in rivers running wild and free;
In the Sun, the Moon and shining Stars, in Auroras, Orbs and Galaxies;
In the elements of ground and sky, in Earth, Air, Water, Wind and Fire.
Nature's Energy
In plants, trees, lichen, fungi, seeds and soil;
In forests, valleys, woodland floors, on heathlands, plains and rocky tors;
In insects, bugs and Dragonflies, in boundless rhythm, rest and flight;
In growing tall and dying down, in cycles through the seasons, turning round and round.
Nature's Energy
In Faeries, Sprites and folklore born of old;
In new beginnings, buds and flowers, in early blossoms, April showers;
In Summer fruits and harvest food, in Autumn’s goodness, life imbued;
In Winter frosts and icy shards, in beauty sparkling in vibrant crystalline hues.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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