Spiral Leaf

Nature's Natural Healing Frequencies

Sue Cartwright • 9 November 2022


Learning about natural frequencies and how they can heal us

Nature's Natural Healing Frequencies by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

The terms 'Nature' and 'natural' are defined as something existing in or initiated by Nature as opposed to being  produced or affected by humankind. One such naturally occurring phenomenon is frequency or the rate of a vibration when something is naturally disturbed.

Planet Earth resonates with a 'natural frequency' known as the Schumann Resonance which was discovered by physicist Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952. Currently, this frequency resonates at around 8.0 hertz (Hz). This natural vibration surrounds and protects all living things, and as human beings have evolved, we have become more in-tune with the Earth’s natural vibrations.

This is why we generally feel more ralaxed and peaceful when we are out in nature, away from the man-made intrusions of things like traffic and commercial lighting. When we are in Nature, our bodies naturally tune into the Earth’s frequency which helps us to restore, revitalise and heal our mind, body and soul more effectively.

When it comes to sound, frequencies are measured by the total number of waves produced in one second. This is known as the frequency of the wave. The number of vibrations counted per second is called frequency.  It is important to note that frequency does not tell us how loud a sound is. Intensity or loudness is measured in decibels (dB). if a sound is loud, it has a high intensity but not necessarily a high frequency.

Most everyday sounds we hear fall within 250 to 6,000 Hz and a person with normal hearing can detect ranges from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Here are some examples of low and high sound frequencies:

Low frequency sounds (around 500 Hz and lower)

  • Heavy rain and ocean waves
  • Natural avalanches, landslides and earthquakes
  • Leaves rustling and water flowing
  • Whales' clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls
  • Dolphins' clicks, burst pulses and whistles
  • Elephants' trumpeting and Giraffes' humming
  • Bees buzzing and Bullfrogs croaking 

High frequency sounds (around 2,000 Hz and higher)

  • Crying babies
  • HIgh pitched whistles 
  • Screaming or squeaking
  • Mobile and computer devices
  • Breaking glass
  • Nails on a chalkboard

The Solfeggio Frequencies form part of an old six-tone scale believed to have incorporated sacred music. These unique tones and chants were found to impart spiritual blessings when they were played together harmoniously. Every Solfeggio tone comprises frequencies necessary for balancing energy, and keeping the spirit, mind, and body in a perfect form of harmony.

Solfeggio frequencies

There are several Solfeggio Frequencies which are used for spiritual healing as follows:

Letting go of fear and removing negative blocks - 396 Hz

Clearing negative energy and facilitating change - 417 Hz

Emotional and physical healing, positive transformation - 528 Hz

Harmonising relationships, reconnecting with natural love energy - 639 Hz

Removing toxicity, aura cleansing and spiritual awakening  - 741 Hz

Deep meditation, raising natural energy and returning to spiritual harmony - 852 Hz

Pineal Gland activation, returning to oneness and unity, inducing sleep - 963 Hz

Alternative tuning

The most scientifically correct tuning for music is said to be 432 Hz as it refers to mathematical calculations by historial figues including Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler and Leonardo Pisano (known as Fibonacci). This frequency more readily harmonises with the Earth's frequency whereby 8 Hz is a submultiple of 432 Hz for the ratio between frequency and octave music. [Source: Music Tuned to 440 Hz Versus 432 Hz and the Health Effects].

This standard tuning frequency was replaced in 1885 by the Music Commission of the Italian Government who declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz. In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians endorsed the Italians, followed by a further push for 440 Hz to become standardised in the 1940s.

This may seem strange when it was proven by Maria Renold [1917-2003] in her book about tuning instruments called 'Of intervals, scales, tones and the concert pitch C = 128 Hz', that when listening to a piano concert with a standard pitch based on 440 Hz, the listeners present in the room during the performance assumed polemic, aggressive behaviours. However, when the tone of the same instrument was brought to 432 Hz, the same people, once again invited to listen to the same concert, perceived the music as being better and showed much more attention in listening.

It may not be surprising to know that it is believed the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz standard in 1935 as part of a 'war on consciousness' leading to 'musical cult control.' [Source: The great 440 Hz conspiracy, and why all of our music is wrong].

Frequencies for life

It is clear that vibration is an essential part of life with every vibration having its very own frequency. Understanding which frequencies are good for us and which are potentially harmful is important when it comes to achieving balance in our lives and especially for deep healing.

Tuning into natural frequencies, even if this is simply a walk in nature, helps us to align our body, mind and soul with healing tones and rhythms, and to tune into the powerful energies of nature and our beautiful Planet Earth.

Sue Cartwright

Spiral Leaf

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