A reading to remind us of the the importance of generating and sharing goodwill with all living beings, our living Earth and shared Universe. Of finding pleasure in our aliveness. In speaking our truth with love and genuine passion which serves to strengthen our heart with courage, commitment and loving devotion for all that matters most to us.
Cleansing the cards, connecting to the highest source of love and light, and asking for guidance when you feel the need is always beneficial and especially when you find a set of cards with guidance that resonates with you. This gentle and reflective process serves to calm the body, focus the mind and tune our hearts to the power of our loving nature and good intentions.
These beautiful cards and words of guidance written by Alana Fairchild always bring timely and encouraging messages that I hope will bring reasssurance and inspiration for you too on your spiritual journey.
45. Goddess Gaia and Ocean Jasper
'Bringing the empowerment of goodwill which is the spiritual power to co-create and empower others to take their journey and experience divine success. Goodwill is generated by how we feel inside and the attitude we cultivate towards others.
When we know we have value, it's easy to recognise value in others; when we feel encouraged by the Universe, it's easy to encourage others. As we put out our support, encouragement and goodwill for the success of all beings, this energy is amplified and returned to us.
44. Goddess Bastet and Cat's Eye
'Bringing the empowerment of sacred pleasure. it is said that the spirit was enticed to give up its freedom to take on an experience of limitation that could lead to divine growth. By creating music that could only be felt and expressed through the body, the spirit jumped in like a flash and life was created.
There is more life that can be created in us and our world. Although there are undoubtedly stuggles as a natural part of opening up to more life, there is divine sweetness too - that is the gift of sacred pleasure.
This is the pleasure that gives us joy in our ALIVENESS. It is innocent, sensual and life-affirming. It is time for us to receive more of this - the oracle says it's time to put a little sugar in our bowl!'
40. Goddess Saraswati and Annomite
'Bringing the empowerment of word to world when the things we speak of with intention, we shall manifest.
We are blessed with the creative power of an open and activated throat chakra. As we release subconscious fear of speaking our truth through memories of being silenced and claim our true divine voice, our ability to change our world through our intention is amplified.
We have the power of divine creation through sound in us. What we want or wish to create and experience - speak of with JOY!'
39. Goddess Sekhmet and Fire Agate
'Bringing us empowerment of the passion of the lion heart. Through passion we are able to dedicate ourselves with an intensity and discipine that may be surprising to us. Passion is LOVE activated. It is ENERGY that moves us from within and empowers us to act in the world in ways we would not otherwise dare to consider.
Passion gives us strength, plugs us into the eternal energy of sacred fire, and generates the ability to accomplish tasks we once may not have thought possible.
The lion heart strenthens our hearts with courage, committment and bold, loving devotion towards what matters most to us.'
35. Ascended Master Babaji and Diamond
'Where there is uncertainty there is often hesitation and procrastination. Spirit doesn't want us to miss out on our dreams by holding ourselves back.
We are encouraged to switch our thinking from possibility to INEVITABILITY with absolute confirmation of success and our wishes fulfilled. It is not a question of if but when.
Know you will succeed and commit to it completely. GO FOR IT - with gusto! You will manifest the highest expression of your divine destiny this lifetime. And so shall it be.'
37. Goddess Tara and Tibetan Quartz
'The divine protection around you is aboslute and complete. Your simple request for the Universe to watch out for you and to protect what has meaning for you, allows you to live your life, do yuour work, and know the most powerful creator and Earth Mother are caring for your wellbeing on all levels. You can TRUST, be free from worry and remain OPEN to the world with joy in your heart.'
In summary
It comes as no surprise that all the messages (apart from one) are brought from the Crystal Goddesses of the highest suit. When we draw from the Crystal Goddesses 888 suit we are being given additional messages that our work spiritually at this time is particularly focused on what is happening in our physical world - in what is coming to life, not just inwardly but externally as well.
As Alana says: If you are yet to see the results you are hoping for, drawing cards from this suit encourages you to have faith and realise that your outcomes are 'just around the corner' and will be according to divine timing and wisdom.
Stand in your truth with love, spread your goodwill with passion in your heart and enjoy the life you are here to co-create and enjoy.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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