June's New Buck Moon takes it's name from the magnificent antlers of male deer (Bucks) which are displayed in their full-grown splendor at this time of year. During the lead up to the Full Buck Moon in July, we will start to feel more centered, grounded and replenished on our way to bringing our dreams and intentions into fruition.
New Buck Moon - manifesting dreams
The New Buck Moon starts the phase of shedding light on our inner patterns and experiences as a means to becoming even better versions of ourselves. It's a time to think about our spiritual purpose and how we can actualise our best selves in each moment as we work on manifesting our dreams.
In preparation for the Full Buck Moon in July, it's a good time to reflect on the passage of Nature as it relates to our own lives. Much like a buck sheds its antlers every year for them to grow back ever stronger and more beautiful, so our focus during this time should be on how we can build on our achievements and firm foundations we have established during the year so far.
New Buck Moon in Gemini - celebrating achievements
A New Buck Moon in Gemini reminds us that this is a time when we are constantly on the move which can take us away from our plans. At this time of year with abundance all around us, it's easy to fall into the spell of searching for the next best thing rather than taking a step back to reflect, enjoy and celebrate our achievements so far.
It is best to resist the urge to make plans during this time. Let loose a little and go with the flow. Enjoy the sunny days, tune into your innate abilities, focus on progressing creative projects and surrender certain outcomes to the Universe to see what might transpire.
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