A full moon occurs once a month when the moon is situated opposite the sun in its orbit around the Earth. Each full moon has its own name based on the month or season in which it appears. This allows us to reflect on the seasons and how the natural cycle affects us and the natural world around us. Many of the names originated in European and Native American history.
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) examined the effect of the moon on human behaviour using spiritual research methodologies. Their findings suggest that the moon does have an effect on the frequencies of our mental body which includes our feelings, emotions and desires. Moon frequencies make thought frequencies from the impressions in our sub-conscious mind which are received intuitively by the conscious mind resulting in greater illumination and heightened mental activity.
This is why it is such a good idea to know the names, dates and meanings of the moon phases as they relate to the cycle of seasons and our spiritual growth. Working with the moon helps us to awaken and reflect on thoughts and feelings that reside in our sub-conscious mind. Each full moon gives us the opportunity to take advantage of our heightened mental activity as a means to evolve and expand our spiritual practice.
Wolf Moon
17 January 2022 - Full Moon in Cancer
The Wolf Moon represents wolves that tend to howl more often during the winter season to stake their claim for territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds and coordinate their hunting strategy. Other names include the Old Moon, Ice Moon, Quiet Moon and the Moon After Yule.
A Wolf Moon provides the opportunity to focus on transformation and spirituality by tapping into our unconscious mind and stimulating change deep within. We can do this by harnessing the energy of the moon. This is a time for deep introspection, rest and letting go of things that no longer serve us. Drawing on the strength, intelligence and integrity of the wolf helps us to control the direction we want to take despite what others might think, and to trust our instincts by tapping into our inner wisdom, strength and endurance.
Snow Moon
16 February 2022 - Full Moon in Leo
The Snow Moon is so called because snow commonly falls during this month sometimes more than any other month in winter. It signifies a time when reserves are low in contrast to new life starting to stir underground, bringing the promise of warmer days and natural abundance.
A Snow Moon provides the opportunity for us to focus on soul searching, nurturing our inner passions and making plans for the future. It's the perfect time to come to terms with mistakes made in the past so that we can process them and, most importantly, forgive them and let them go.
Worm Moon
18 March 2022 - Full Moon in Virgo
The Worm Moon relates to worms starting to wriggle through the warm soil as the season changes from frosty winter to the warmth and abundance of Spring. It's also known as the Crow Moon or Magpie Moon due to it being the last full moon of Winter when the crows caw their farewell to the season.
A Worm Moon provides the opportunity for us to focus on new beginnings and exploring new territory. It's a time to re-evaluate plans for the future and make preparations that will turn our goals into reality. It's the perfect time to shed old habits that are no longer any benefit so that we can become better and wiser versions of ourselves.
Pink Moon
16 April 2022 - Full Moon in Libra
The Pink Moon represents the final sign that Spring has arrived when flowers begin to blossom in the northern hemisphere. This moon represents feminine energy which is associated with the colour pink. It is believed that the cherry blossom tree blooms as a result of the powerful energy of the Pink Moon.
A Pink Moon celebrates a time of gathering and growth providing the perfect opportunity to increase our positivity, optimism and anticipation that our goals and dreams will come to fruition. It encourages us to visualise how we want to grow and blossom, and to trust ourselves in our efforts to realise our highest spiritual and emotional potential.
Flower Moon
16 May 2022 - Full Moon in Scorpio (Total Lunar Eclipse)
The Flower Moon refers to the abundance of flowers blossoming in early Summer. It is also known as Full Blessing Moon, Corn Planting Moon and Bright Moon. This year's Flower Moon holds powerful energy as a Total Lunar Eclipse which will be visible over South America, North America and parts of Europe and Africa - bringing higher-than-usual tides.
A Flower Moon provides the opportunity to recharge our emotional, mental and physical states of being. It’s a time to blossom as we are able to spend more time in nature to replenish our energy. It's a time for self-reflection and self-assessment when things that have been hidden now make themselves known, giving us the chance to look at ourselves in a whole new light, the light that shines from the moon.
Super Strawberry Moon
14 June 2022 - Full Moon in Sagittarius
The Strawberry Moon refers to the delicious and bountiful strawberry harvest that occurs during this time of year. It is said that picking strawberries beneath the light of the moon honours the crops and ensures a bountiful crop next season. It is also known as Blooming Moon indicative of the flowering season, Green Corn Moon and Hoer Moon which suggests it is time to tend to young crops.
A Strawberry Moon (especially a
Super Strawberry Moon) reflects and celebrates the short but enchanting strawberry picking season. Native American women use this moon as the time to cleanse their spiritual selves. This is a great time for us to do the same by spending time in the sun, eating a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, replenishing our energies and getting rid of clutter. Clearing out drawers, lofts and garages, and organising paperwork is therapeutic and sets us up to be able to relax and enjoy long weekends in the sun and our summer holidays.
Super Buck Moon
13 July 2022 - Full Moon in Capricorn
The Buck Moon refers to the antlers of male deer (Bucks) who are in full-growth mode by mid-summer. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.
A Buck Moon provides extraordinary energy for the Buck's antlers to grow and thrive. Connecting to this powerful masculine energy brings us the drive and energy we need to fuel our intentions and goals. This is the time to take action, move forward, avoid distractions and focus. Prioritise what needs to be done and create a momentum with small achievements that work towards the greater achievement of reaching your goals.
Super Sturgeon Moon
12 August 2022 - Full Moon in Aquarius
The Sturgeon Moon recognises the magnificent spawning of sturgeon fish around the great lakes at this time of year. There is a strong lunar pull this month which provides extra energy for these strong creatures to successfully swim upstream for many miles against the current of the river.
A Sturgeon Moon emanates powerful energy which can cause imbalance in humans which is why it's a great opportunity to find the stillness to go within so that we can process and let go of old pain. This can wear us out if not addressed and properly reconciled. This full moon enables us to feel the energy of the Universe and open our minds to renewed flexibility and clarity.
Harvest Moon
10 September 2022 - Full Moon in Pisces
The Harvest Moon earned its name because the beautiful and bright moonlight shines early in the evenings so that farmers have more time to harvest their summer-grown crops.
A Harvest Moon provides the opportunity to connect with our thoughts, energies and any challenges we need to work through and resolve. In the fading heat of Summer, by the light of a magnificent full moon, we can take a step back to observe the world and work out how we are feeling. Taking time to understand what is going on within us and around us so that we can see how everything connects is empowering and encourages us to make the most of what we have and enjoy every moment.
Hunter's Moon
9 October 2022 - Full Moon in Aries
The Hunter's Moon or Blood Moon represents a time that signalled hunters to go out and hunt enough to prepare for the cold season ahead.
A Hunter's Moon is the perfect time to work on our spiritual growth by paying attention to messages in our dreams and visualisations. It's the best time to take advantage of the thinning of the veil between our physical and spiritual worlds when we can connect with our spirit guides and loved ones more easily. It's a good idea to plan a ritual for remembering and honouring those who have passed from this world and to make a meaningful offering to them.
Beaver Moon
8 November 2022 - Full Moon in Taurus
The Beaver Moon is named for the high activity of these incredible river masters as they seek out and prepare their shelters for the colder months looming ahead. Even though the landscape is starting to look increasingly barren, the Beaver Moon reminds us to imagine what is happening in nature beneath the frozen ground. Animals are hibernating in their dens inhabiting the mystery of the seeming stillness that will burst open again when Spring returns.
A Beaver Moon evokes emotional connections, making it an ideal time for getting cosy and cultivating relationships. This is the time to absorb the light of the moon and illuminate our emotions, bringing to light the feelings we have for ourselves and others. It's a time of deep rest and renewal which we can achieve through the daily practice of stillness, calm and peace.
Cold Moon
08 December 2022 - Full Moon in Gemini
The Cold Moon or the Moon before Yule represents rebirth, reflection and looking ahead which is fitting as we close out the end of the year. It's a busy time which can bring stress and anxiety and nature teaches us a great deal about adapting to the cold. There is important work to be done, and in nature, it is always done efficiently without fuss or fanfare.
A Cold Moon provides the opportunity to connect to the energy of the full moon as we embrace and confront our feelings, as now is the best time to recognise what makes us feel the way we do. Our spiritual meaning corresponds with nature’s dormant energy which makes it an ideal time for introspection and soul-searching. This is our chance to recharge and reconnect, taking advantage of this magical season full of transformation and deep internal work.
Make a date!
Celebrating the Full Moon throughout the year is a wonderful way to make time for our spiritual practice and have some fun with it too. There are many creative ways to recognise the beauty of the natural world around us and appreciate our spiritual connection to nature and the universe beyond.
The Farmer's Almanac provides a menu of suggestions for creating full moon rituals that can help us to focus on our spiritual practice while enjoying the fruits of the seasons in ways that will make us feel better about ourselves, our natural world and those around us.
Never underestimate the power of the full moon's energy and how much you can benefit from making a connection. It's an experience that can be shared or enjoyed on your own, it's always fun to prepare and makes for a memorable experience.
Find out how to benefit from the New Moon energy in 2022.
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