A New Moon phase is named as such because it starts a new lunar cycle.
When the Sun and Moon are in conjunction it means they are closest together in the sky and for us, the Moon appears totally dark as we are facing the Moon’s shadowed side which does not receive any direct sunlight.
When the New Moon’s position lines up correctly between the Sun and Earth, we see it cover part or all of the Sun, causing a Solar Eclipse. These events are only visible from a small portion of Earth and require special eye protection to be viewed safely.
Whereas Full Moons are generally considered to be energising and uplifting, New Moons are prone to introspection and reflection. It's a time to focus on rest, recovery and planning in harmony with the New Moon as it takes a break from being always present in the night sky.
Follow the New Moons through the seasons as they travel through the zodiac. Here are some things to watch out for:
New Moon in Capricorn
2 January 2022 - Super New Moon
A Super Moon means this incredible light energy is closest to us on Earth. For this reason it's the perfect time to think about our plans for the year and set practical goals and objectives. Draw on the Super Moon energy to gather the strength and intention you need to put your plans into action and work towards successful outcomes with a new born vitality.
New Moon in Aquarius
1 February 2022
With plans made and actions in motion, it's time to think about our spiritual health. Now is the time to identify any work or practice needed to raise our frequencies and let go of the things that no longer serve us. Spending time on our spiritual well being and establishing daily rituals to help us remain balanced needs to be put in place for the rest of the year.
New Moon in Pisces
2 March 2022
Taking time to be kind to ourselves, to listen to our inner voice and surround ourselves with gentleness is very apt for the New Moon in Pisces. This is a good time to check your wells of energy to make sure they are being topped up and nourished in a beneficial and consistent way. The more we look after ourselves, the more we are able to look after each other.
New Moon in Aries
1 April 2022
This is an optimal time to start a new project because Aries loves initiating plans. Tune into this natural energy drive and power to propel your endeavours forwards. Remember to keep a check on accountability by resting and reflecting in preparation for the return of the Full Moon.
New Moon in Taurus
30 April 2022 - Solar Eclipse
A restlessness, reticence and sleepy confusion may make itself known during a Solar Eclipse. Taurus energy is deeply resistant to change so relax and try to go with the flow by allowing the Universe to move in and around you. Don’t worry about planning or setting intentions at this time - take a step back, be still, breathe and know that this time will pass.
New Moon in Gemini
30 May 2022
As the nights grow shorter and the sun shines brighter and for longer, use this phase to pause as Gemini season makes us prone to extroversion and socialisation. We can then uuse this energy to our advantage by reaching out and communicating with people who have similar goals, and spending time with those who make you laugh and raise your spirits.
New Moon in Cancer
28 June 2022
At this half point in the year, take time to be kind to yourself and treat yourself to some pampering. Take a natural break from socialising and spend some time reflecting on what has happened throughout the year so far. Enjoy a break and congratulate yourself on achievements however small Reaffirm your goals before continuing on your journey.
New Moon in Leo
28 July 2022
Having taken a break, it is now time to take advantage of this powerful Leo energy to commit to positive intentions with heart, seize inspiration for your goals and plans, and launch new creative projects. It is also the best time to stoke the fires of love and pursue the things you are passionate about to fill your emotional cup.
New Moon in Virgo
27 August 2022
With so much going on in our lives, it's easy to slip into bad habits and behaviours that do not serve us. This is the time to take a step back, assess and reset. Catching yourself going down the wrong path, is always better than leaving it until the habits become ingrained and much harder to correct and let go of.
New Moon in Libra
25 September 2022
Libra adores everything luxurious so now is the time to connect with the New Moon's deep restorative energy and treat yourself to a delightful evening of self love, preferably alone so that you can fully enjoy your 'me time'. Remember that preparation can be as much fun to create a special and memorable event for an evening or a long weekend.
New Moon in Scorpio
25 October 2022 - Solar Eclipse
Leading up to Halloween, make sure your energy is not stolen by needy people or anyone demonstrating untrustworthy behaviour or flakiness. Solar Eclipses can often bring out the worst in people so it's a good idea to surround yourself with a protective sphere of white light and focus on sending out intentions of love and goodwill to all.
New Moon in Sagittarius
23 November 2022
This is an excellent time to check in with your goals to assess where you are and how you are doing so that you can shift course if necessary. If you need to put in more work make sure you are working on the right things, and most importantly, make sure you are enjoying the journey and looking after yourself along the way.
New Moon in Capricorn
23 December 2022 - Super New Moon
Just like the start of the year, a super New Moon enables you to think about how beauty and harmony makes you feel more relaxed and efficient. It's a time to nurture a sense of joy and cheerfulness in the things you have done during the year and how you have changed for the better. A time to celebrate what you have learned and having made it through.
Make a date!
Take time to rest and reflect at the time of the New Moon. It's a wonderful way to nurture and develop your spiritual practice and spend some alone time with you. There are many ways to experience the benefits of being still so that we can fully appreciate and benefit from our spiritual connection to our inner spirituality, nature and the abundance of the Universe.
Never underestimate your power to look after and heal yourself in the gentle light of a New Moon's energy. Take the time to practice making the connection to the New Moon energy.
Now that you know about New Moon energy, find out how to benefit from the energy of the Full Moons in 2022.
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