Owls are known for their inner light,
For the Ancient Greeks, birds of power and might;
Revered for their ability to see at night;
Navigating through the dark, out of sight.
With beautiful, binocular-focused eyes;
It’s easy to see why they are thought to be wise;
Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, Olympian style;
Often seen with an Owl by her side.
Gifted with exceptional sensory ability;
Unique and striking, physical agility;
The Owl holds traditional cultural significance;
Night hunters, birds of prey, nocturnal brilliance.
A treasured yet endangered species in Britain;
The Tawnies, tu’wit and to’woo, almost in unison;
Barn Owls purr or screech quite suddenly;
Little Owls shrill with a low-pitched mewing.
Short-Earred Owls have long-span wings;
Long-Earred Owls are tall and thin;
Find them on lowland, moorland, meadow and glen;
A delight to see and hear through each of the seasons.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf

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