Mother Nature nurtures us in a myriad of ways;
Through every stage of growth, through every night, through every day;
Without a thought from us, not in any conscious way;
As Mother Nature gives us all we need and never strays.
As an unborn, growing in the warmth of Mother’s womb;
An exquisite work of art, a seed inside a warm cocoon;
Mother Nature nourishes, protecting us from harm;
There to stimulate, to soothe, to cosset and to calm.
As an infant, vulnerable, in need of tender loving care;
Mother Nature lulls and pulses life through every cell;
Growing bones for movement, neurons for awareness of the world;
A baby learns at speed, deciphering life as it unfurls.
As a toddler, beaming light with untamed boundless energy;
Full of wonder, awe, excitement, curiosity and empathy;
Mother Nature is a stage for making real-life magical fantasies;
Rich ground for our imagining, discovering and learning to be free.
As a child through youth, life’s twists and turns come rapidly;
So many paths to knowing who we are and who we want to be;
Mother Nature gives us space to see things as they are with clarity;
Grounding us in truth to help us live our lives in unity.
[Final Edit on 1 January 2025]
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