Welcome June, not a moment too soon;
As flower blossoms transition to fruition under the Strawberry Moon;
Leading up to the Summer Solstice on the longest day and shortest night;
When the Sun shines bright, climbing to the highest point in the sky.
Welcome June, Midsummer, Alban Hefin and Litha;
Once known as Juno, after the mighty wife of Jupiter;
Daughter of Saturn, revered for her unwavering loyalty;
Speaking to relationships built on understanding, support, deep love and intimacy.
Welcome June, full of sunshine and promise;
With the warm rays of Summer stretching out before us;
As fearless fledglings launch from early nests and tree branches;
Nature dances with Moths, Crickets, Beetles, Wasps, Bees, Damselflies, Daddy-Long-Legs and Grasshoppers.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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