Remote dweller of heathery places;
Moorlands, cornfields, woodland fringes;
Bounding at speed in a rocking motion;
Escaping preditors in zig-zag diversions.
Nocturnal and shy until breeding season;
Making shallow impressions or 'forms' for shelter;
Lying flat, keeping low, camouflaged in Nature;
Out in the open, cautious, alert to danger.
A Hare leaps, effortless, airborne;
Powerful hind-legs, twist and turn;
Jumping with lightening under her tail;
Off track, breaking the scent of her trail.
A sacred animal to Pagan people;
Revered and respected, never eaten;
Antithesis of a 'sport' called Hare-coursing;
Chasing animals to death for no reason.
Hares have been here for millions of years;
Etched in our history, folklore and tales;
Living alone or in pairs, raising their young;
Each starting life in a 'form' of their own.
Mother Hare, Doe, never far away;
With Leverets, before sunset, to feed each day;
Born fully-furred with eyes wide open;
The magical Hare is a gift of creation.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
Further Reading!
Books recommended and available for sale in the Spiral Leaf affiliate bookshop below.
The Leaping Hare by George Ewart Evans and David Thomson
Common Ground by Rob Cowen
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