For next year's Almanac series, I am doing something different as some of the information is this year's series is pretty much the same every year here in the British Isles. I will link back to this information for easy reference in each of the new monthly Almanacs. There will be lots of new content such as a poem of the month (and video), a healthy recipe to try, rewilding ideas, natural health suggestions and things to do and see during the month.
Here is a brief overview and expect some surprises along the way.
Poem for the month
Words inspired by the promises the month brings, hidden history, what (and who) to watch out for, the positioning of the month on our annual timeline and its significance.
Recipe for the month
Recipes, brews, teas and tisanes made by me from fresh foods I have foraged, herbs I have grown in my tiny garden and spices I have stored in my pantry.
Dates for Moon phases
Times for Sunrise & Sunset
Dawn and dusk at the beginning and end of the month (Devon, British Isles) so that we can arrange when we are going to make time to witness and enjoy such beautiful natural events in our monthly schedule.
Things to watch out for
Every month Nature brings it's own character and remarkable things to discover. Every day brings the opportunity to tune in and watch things as they unfold through the seasons. I will share some of favourite things to look out for and where to go looking.
Things to do
Whatever the weather, spending time doing creative, relaxing or fun things when in the presence of Nature, either indoors or outdoors, has been proven to significantly improve our health and wellbeing while reducing stress.
So, let's make the most of the natural world around us next year - wherever we find ourselves. Mother Nature is waiting for and all we have to do is make it happen.
I look forward to seeing you for our first Welcome to the Month post here on my blog on 1 January 2024.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
Your exclusive first-of-the-month newsletter and weekly Nature boosts
Further reading
I highly recommend The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2024 with a wealth of information to help you get closer to Nature through the seasons.
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