The sleepy thrum and buzz of sultry sounds;
Insects darting in the heat-drenched air;
Bees dipping into flower-heads, here then there;
Spiders tending webs in hidden lairs.
Wildflower meadows beckon in the breeze;
Tall grasses swish and bend with subtle ease;
Buttercups gleam as far as the eye can see;
Wild Violets, Clovers, Pimpernels, growing free.
Crows with wing-tipped feathers grace the sky;
Their distant caws echoing way up high;
Bringing messages from other worlds, a sign;
To follow our path where our true happiness lies.
A copse of slender Birch trees caught my eye;
White bark glistening as silver in sunlight;
Leaves fluttering lightly on elegant branches;
Small birds trilling brightly from their lofty perches.
Grounded to the Earth with feet and toes;
Imagining how deep down this energy goes;
Soaking up the light in calm repose;
Savouring each moment of this golden glow.
Precious gifts of Summer know no bounds;
Everywhere, abundance can be found;
The stillness, ah, the warmth, the languid flow;
Where spirits fly and souls feel most at home.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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