Tears spring from source, oceans deep;
A broken heart weeps;
And grace sleeps sound beneath;
Overwhelmed with grief.
I lost a friend.
Sorrow pouring into the ground;
As if it would never end;
And I would never feel joy again.
Feeling doomed;
As the heartbreak of sadness loomed;
And every atom sobbed;
For the person I had lost.
Only time heals, it's true;
When you allow it to;
Emotions need to be released, so hard;
Before that first smile comes through.
But you do it for them, as they would do it for you.
Sadness is a necessary thing, a treasure;
A means to process the pain and pressure;
Something we learn to embrace and honour;
When we discover;
The beauty in sadness.
by Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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