Breathing in the essence of pure air,
Filling lungs and energising cells,
Stretching muscles as hearts' swell,
Breathing out slowly as the body exhales.
Our bodies love the oxygen we breathe,
Sustaining us and healing, sight unseen,
To breathe is not just to survive,
Deep breaths make every atom thrive.
Breathing lowers stress when we recede,
To focus on a restful place of calm,
A sanctuary we can visit any time,
When our minds need to quieten down.
Restfulness is vital for our health,
Sleeping well improves our mood and strength,
Enabling our repair system to do its work,
Vitalising us with every breath we take.
This gift of life connects us to our world,
Activating every living thing on Earth,
Animating plants and trees and soil,
What we don't need the natural world enjoys.
Nature's ingenuity knows no bounds,
In harmonies of water, air, earth and fire,
In symphonies of natural rhythm and sound,
In frequencies that lift our hearts and minds.
by Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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