Nature's energy,
In a breath of fresh air,
In a stormcloud before the rain,
In a rumble of thunder far away.
Nature's energy,
In frequencies and tones,
In the soothing vibration,
Of atoms, cells and bones.
Nature's energy,
Gently pulsing through our veins,
Like mountain streams and ocean waves,
And rivers running free.
Nature's energy,
In earth, air, wind and fire,
In the sun, moon and stars,
And galaxies spinning round.
Nature energy,
In plants, trees, seeds and soil,
In the open sky and woodland floor,
On heathlands, plains and rocky tors.
Nature's energy,
In boundless rhythm, natural sounds,
In growing tall and dying down,
In cycles through the seasons.
Nature's energy,
In faeries, folklore born of old,
In snowflakes, frost and icy shards,
Sparkling in the snow.
by Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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