The wind on your cheeks, the cold on your skin,
The clouds in the sky, the light of the Sun,
The smell of the rain, the breeze in the air,
The sound of the birds with melodies to share.
The goodness in food, the ripeness of fruit,
The icy crunch of snow underfoot,
The sweep of the grass, the Daisies on show,
The trees and the soil, as above so below.
The hum of a bee, the buzz of a fly,
The rustle of leaves as a rabbit hops by,
The scent of the blossoms, a showcase of colour,
The tones of Winter, Spring, Autumn and Summer.
The glow of the Moon, the twinkle of stars,
The glory of sunsets and sunrise at dawn,
The magic of rivers, the pure flow of life,
In air, water, fire, earth and ice.
Our senses were made to help us grow,
To see, to smell, to taste, to feel, to know,
Tune in by being aware, get into the flow,
Enjoy Nature's treasures, so good for the soul.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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