August's New Blue Moon marks a special event in the astrological calendar preceding the second Full Moon of the month. This New Blue Moon links with Mars and Uranus creating highly charged energy that can cause a build-up of tension whereby the old state is no longer tenable, opening up the opportunity for learning and personal growth.
New Blue Moon - flexibility and patience
The New Blue Moon represents a dynamic phase whereby unexpected events and sudden changes can cause tension and conflict.
The planetary aspect pattern with the New Moon, Mars and Uranus creates pressure stemming from the disruptive energy caused by Uranus. This brings a willingness to make things better and to overcome any challenges presented to us.
This unique planetary alignment encourages us to identify issues and inner imbalances as part of our spiritual journey. It's an ideal time for rebalancing our equilibrium and turning problems into exciting new opportunities and creative pursuits.
New Blue Moon in Leo - authenticity and self-love
The New Blue Moon in Leo brings majestic and high-spirited energy in terms of creativity, abundance, individuality, action and creative expression. Leo brings sunshine and vitality which inspires and encourages us to be our most authentic selves.
As the Moon renews itself in Leo, its a good time to think about what we want to bring into fruition during the coming months. As we are presented with new beginnings, Leo gives us the confidence to take the stage so that we can realise our true heart’s desires. With Venus in retrograde during this time, it's important to focus on self-love and being kind to ourselves as much as we can.
As Uranus simultaneously harmonises with Mercury and Mars in Virgo, this brings much needed grounding and support. By thinking about all the things we are grateful for, walking barefoot on the Earth and
spending time in Nature, we can tune into this energy to help us relax and enjoy being present in the moment.
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