September's New Harvest Moon marks a special event in the astrological calendar when the moonrise occurs soon after sunset, resulting in an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening. This was a traditional aid to farmers and crews harvesting their summer-grown crops under the light of the 'Harvest Moon' a the end of the season.
New Harvest Moon - achievements and plans
The New Harvest Moon rises during Old England's harvest time signifying our own achievements in terms of things we have learnt and have been working toward since the Spring sprang six months ago. It represents the end of the first half year cycle, and the start of the second one leading us into the Winter months.
We have experienced the height of the year's energy and are now slowly, steadyily ebbing towards equilibrium on the Autumn Equinox (Saturday 23 September). After the Equinox, we will experience the shortest day of the year at the start of the Winter Solstice and the days will start to lengthen.
This fluid, calming energy brings innovative, inventive and unusual ideas so it's a great time to formulate plans. However, it can be an unclear period with Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, in retrograde, and the New Moon opposite Neptune, so it’s important not to jump into anything too quickly during this time.
New Harvest Moon in VIrgo - celebration and action
The New Harvest Moon in VIrgo is a time of new beginnings making it the perfect time to think about goals and new ways to get day-to-day life organised in order to get things get done which is Virgo's influence all over.
There is a little of VIrgo's earthy aspect in all of us (thank goodness). It brings out our analytical, reflective, helpful and conscientious mind when we find ourselves considering ways to enhance, develop or incorporate new traits into our lives and personalities. It can be an exciting time when we relax into it and enjoy it.
All in all, the Harvest Moon is when we take stock, see where we are and acknowledge our growth. It's a time to celebrate our achievements (large and small) and feel gratitude for the people we love and the things in life we treasure.
Take time to enjoy the harvest season with loved ones - go outside and have fun!
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