July's New Sturgeon Moon takes it's name from a large freshwater fish that has been an important part of the diet and culture of many Native American communities for centuries. The Sturgeon is seen as a symbol of strength and endurance which we can draw energy from in the lead up to the Full Sturgeon Supermoon at the beginning of August,
New Sturgeon Moon - savour the day
The New Sturgeon Moon starts a phase of abundance leading up to the harvest of crops and the preservation of food for sustinance during the Winter months. This new Moon encourages us to fully embody the remaining warm days of the Summer and to be aware of a gradual softening within us as we begin to spiritually slow down in tune with the seasons.
The innate perseverance of the mighty Sturgeon inspires us to always remain strong, adaptive and resilient. For countless millennia, the Sturgeon has been a symbol of the perseverance of spirit which is something we need to build on during the days leading up to the Winter season.
New Sturgeon Moon in Cancer - tune into emotions
Any new Moon, set against the deep and dark canvas of the night sky calls for self-reflection and caring for our inner selves. This is particularly important when the new Moon is in Cancer which is known as the homebody of the zodiac and where the Moon rules over our emotions.
This can be a an emotionally satisfying period, especially when we take the time to retreat into our shell and get in tune with our emotions so that we can identify and understand our real needs in life at this time. Only then can we make decisions that support our spiritual development and growth, and take the conscious action needed to ensure our needs are met now and into the future.
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