Tune into the New Snow Moon for dreamtime and inner reflection
New Worm Moon
As Earthworms emerge from deepest soils;
The Earth warms with the Sun higher at every noon;
Anticipation as Nature's buds start to bloom;
The ground cleansed as the joy of Spring looms.
New Worm Moon
Connecting us to Mother Nature's heart;
Preparing us for this new Season's art;
A Spring Solistice that brings a fresh start;
With three minutes every day of extra light;
New Worm Moon
Bringing hope, the promise of new life, new joy;
The stirring of abudance and healthy growth;
Appreciating Mother Earth, honouring her story;
Birthing new ideas, making room for creativity.
New Worm Moon
Wrap up warm and take yourself outside tonight;
Gaze at the galaxy and the crescent light;
Meditate on the gentle stirring of early life;
Wonder at the magic of the grand design.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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