Sea of oneness, ocean of consciousness;
Miracle of atoms, cells, crystalline pricelessness;
I am you, you are me, we are one, indigenous;
As we ebb, flow, live and grow, in the continuum.
Those who know, radiate an inner glow;
Exquisite energies of love in universal flow;
Gleaming as the air quickens, the sun glistens;
In a harmony of elements, devoid of division.
We are water, as waves rise and swell;
Tumbling, crashing, foaming, calm and still;
Lulled in the push and pull, rhythm of free will;
Breathe in, breathe out, all will be well.
Sea of oneness, ocean of consciousness;
Holding us in a cradle of peace and togetherness;
Connecting us, nourishing us, loving us, grounding us;
Each a treasured entity in the entirety surrounding us.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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