Spirit of the deep, in a salty, saline world;
Propelling through water, in powerful, graceful curves;
A skeletal body built for speed and motion, honoured and revered;
Intelligence with a gentle nature, beautiful, mysterious Whale.
The Māori, close friends of the Ika Moana;
Guardians of Ancestors’ canoeing to Aotearoa; (ahr-tea-roa)
Gods of the land of the Long White Cloud; in the Pacific Ocean;
Swimming with the Waka, guiding the way to safety, as in legend.
The Orcas, Killer Whales, Guardians of the Sea;
Protecting those who travel far, to lead them home again;
Some stay faithful to their Pods their lifetime through;
Each raising their Calfs with care, as other mammals do.
Whales remind Dreamers to explore their depths of Self;
To connect with inner feelings, to dive deep and delve;
To know we are all safe in a sea of consciousness and love;
In unity with all that is, where all our living souls dwell.
Like us, Whales thrive on water with salt electrolytes;
As kidneys filter and retain the fluids needed for life;
Whales eat foods for extra salt and nutrients therein;
To maintain an inner balance, as with every living being.
Whales roam expansive oceans, masters of the Sea;
Singing out in complex sounds, a haunting harmony;
Breathing air above, from the deepest depths below;
Connecting Earth and Universe, in one eternal flow.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
[Edited on 7 February 2025]
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