Spiral Leaf

River Light force Visualisation

Sue Cartwright • 2 July 2022

Visualising the powerful light force energy of a flowing river

River Light Force Visualisation by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

This visualisation is a form of meditation that draws on the light force energy of a river so that you can tune into the Earth's life force and connect with the flow of the water in the current moment.


Use the words below as a guide until you are able to visualise your own similar journey without needing any prompts.


Practice regularly so that you can call on your visualisation when needed, particularly if you need to free your mind, relax or take a break from anything stressful.


It takes about 20 minutes so find a comfortable position sitting upright or lying down. You could also take a walk to a river if there is one nearby. When you are settled or have found a place to sit along the river, breathe deeply to release any tension, relax your body, focus your mind and start your visualisation.


Tune in

Imagine walking along a wide open path that follows a line through wooded banks lining a river valley. Notice the river below wending its way along the floor of the valley. The banks are swollen with the weight of recent rainfall and you can hear water flowing at a fair pace, swift and sure.


Follow the path down to the water's edge until you come to a sandy shore where the river water laps in shallow ripples like tiny waves on a beach. Imagine sitting down (or actually sit down if you are there) on one of the circling stones.


Breathe deeply

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the water and notice that it is not rushing but moving swiftly at an even pace. The pace is steady and sure without doubt or hesitation. The river is certain of its power and sure of its mission. Feel that powerful flow within you and glide yourself into the momentum.

Now listen to the rhythm of the energy inside your body and realise that you can slow down your breathing even more and relax further in order to tune into the beat of the river. Breathe deeply in and hold the breath for a few moments before breathing slowly out again.  Repeat this until you can feel the fresh air oxygenating your entire body and releasing any tension.


Feel the energy

Realise that as you breathe in time to the flow of the river, you are now at one with a life force energy. Water has presence in every living being and inanimate thing, including human beings. Feel how powerful the energy is as it pulls you into its central force and energises you. Tune into your inner vibration and feel your spiritual frequencies rise in tune to Mother Earth.


As you feel part of this life force, realise that you are an essential part of it. Imagine you are travelling along with the flow of the water, skilfully avoiding the swirling eddies, hard rocks and stagnant pools along the way. These are the places in real life where we can get holed up, slowed down, taken off course, hurt badly, left behind or mercilessly spun round and round and down and down as if we are being pulled into an abyss without realising what is happening. Experience the feeling of flowing past all of these potential traps and leaving them far behind.


Join forces

Imagine you are forging a clear path directly towards the sea. You are connected to the force of life, shining clear and bright with electromagnetic light as other tributaries flow into the river to join you. Feel the increasing life force around you as the river continues to swell while supporting you on your own clear path in a beautiful, harmonised conscious light energy.


You are feeling more and more powerful as more and more tributaries join the river. Each creating their own clear paths of light in a combined life force entwined in a seamless dance of natural motion in one life-affirming continuum.


This is the sea

Savour the joy and ease of going with the flow so that any time you feel in need of a rest or a boost, you are able to visualise your skilful and energising journey from the river to the sea to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. 

Sue Cartwright

Spiral Leaf

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