This charming and delightful children's book caught my eye for it's name 'Song of the Swallows' which reminded me of my late Dad who wrote about 'finding my swallows wings' in a card he wrote to me shortly before he died.
'Our role as parents is to mature our children like swallows until they can fly. I believe you have found your swallows wings and, like those beautiful birds, can fly high into the summer sun and then on to your long journey for life.'
It's an analogy I have treasured for nearly a quarter of a decade and I found great comfort reading the words of this beautifully illustrated book ...
'the utmost joyous birds were the swallows'.
And this:
'The swallows were very much like little folks who had been on a long journey and were happy to be home again. They fluttered and twittered joyously and filled the gardens with sweet sound. Juan and Julian went into the garden and rang the Mission bells to tell the people of the valley that Spring had now begun.'
At the Mission San Juan Capistrano, the old bell ringer, Juan, tells the story of the returning swallows to a young boy called Julian who is so enthralled by the birds he creates his own small garden in the hope that at least on family of swallows will come to nest there the following year.
No surprise that this adorable book was awarded the Randolph Caldecott Medal in 1948 for the most distinguished American picture book for children.
A wonderful gift for your loved ones to treasure.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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