Indigenous songlines
Songlines (or dreamings) are an ancient memory code woven by indigenous Australians tracing astronomy and geographical elements from ancient stories. Songlines describe how the landscape has been shaped over time, preserving an encyclopedic memory of the land and thousands of species of plants and animals across Australia.
Sharing songlines with visiting tribes follows the lore of the land to ensure the well being of anyone travelling across a particular territory. Codes embedded in the songs contain detailed information about navigation, replenishment and the avoidance of danger.
New songlines
Grandmother Mulara shares the Aboriginal wisdom of the new dreamings for the new Earth in various videos where she explains the concept of 'dreamtime' whereby 'dreaming' and 'energetic gridwork' support the consciousness shift of Gaia.
As an Aboriginal Lore Women, Grandmother Mulara is responsible for ‘weaving the dreams for the grandchildren' which means working to ensure that the web of life that sustain's all children, is itself sustained.
Grandmother Mulara encourages everyone to sing their song into the land when she says: 'Sing yourself up with the energy of the land'. This serves to add our love and light energy to the grid and helps us notice and appreciate the natural world around us. It is time for us to cherish and nourish our connection with nature for all the benefits it brings.
Sing up your song
It doesn't have to be a whole song, it's enough to hum or whistle or make it up as you go along (as I do). Try this:
1) Go for a walk anywhere and focus on the natural world around you - the breeze, trees, leaves, bees, wildlife, etc.
2) Find your note and sing it or hum it out in tune to nature observed and felt around you
2) Imagine beaming your sound down into the Earth and SING OR HUM IT UP!
3) Feel the vibration of your notes or your song resonating with Earth's energy.
4) As you breathe in, draw the energy back up through you from the Earth and out into the air to complete the cycle.
5) Continue humming or singing, absorbed in your contentment and enjoyment of being in perfect balance with nature.
A grid of love and light
The Indiginous Peoples have known for a long time that a new energy wave is coming to Earth. They have been preparing for this shift for the last seven years, connecting with the electromagnetic fields impacting on the entire galaxy. For this reason, the Grandmothers have formed a new grid of unconditional love called 'Amathyst Grid' to protect the Earth and all living souls while we make the transition to a higher frequency.
The Amathyst Grid represents the new Dreaming (which for us means 'conscious intent') that can be 'sung up' every day to bring the new songlines in line with the grid. The Grandmothers hold the vibration and the higher consciousness of Earth and her Earthlings, and carry out ceremonies every day to sing in the songs and protect us all.
Grandmother Mulara tells us that it really is an abundant world we are coming into because the rise in spiritual awareness across the world is bringing in a lighter, stronger and more energetic frequency that benefits us all.
Grandmother Lore is founded on unconditional love and the power of forgiveness which enables us to learn and grow. It is time to see in this new change by setting ourselves free. In order to raise our frequency we must let go of anything that doesn't serve us any more and shine our light to expose the darkness so that we can move on.
Humming with intent with an amathyst cyrstal is a wonderful way to connect to Earth and the Amathyst Grid, as well as being beneficially grounding and nourishing for our body, mind, spirit and soul.
Tune into your tone as often as you can and hum or sing out to bring in the beautiful new Earth.
Grandmother Wisdom
Grandmorther Mulara is a healer, teacher, musician, counsellor, executive coach, academic and consultant. With a PhD for research into values, ethics and leadership. Grandmother Mulara was taught by senior law/lore women throughout Australia resulting in extensive connections with First Nations people. Being named ‘Mulara’ by indigenous grandmothers she now teaches under 'Grandmother Lore' to guide people throughout the world.
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