Spirals in their many forms,
Pure elegance in motion,
Spiralling in and out and round,
Ingenuity in action.
Spirals; sacred geometry,
Ancient lore and golden ratio,
For all things to connect and grow,
Spiralling fast and spiralling slow.
Spirals dance with synchronicity,
In galaxies, petals, shells and seeds,
In muscles, sinews, hearts and bones,
In leaves and flowers and garden snails' homes.
Spirals; perfect form and function,
Nature's most revered creation,
A design of lasting grace and perfection,
Ever present to infinity and back again.
Spirals reflect life from birth to death,
Connecting us to Heaven and Earth,
A pathway from our ego to our inner soul,
The bridge between our 'now' and other worlds.
Such spirals live where life unfurls,
In Celtic curves and Fibonacci whorls,
In Ionic Volutes and regular swirls,
Spirals are the marvel of our natural world.
by Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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