On the Kinder Scout plateau;
High up on Saddleworth Moor;
Where contoured cloud-like edges;
Mark where spring water drenches;
The fertile land below.
Moorland lanes, roads, rights;
Blank lacunae, public paths;
Old access claimed, enclosed, lost;
A diminishing domain;
For a diminishing rural folk.
And so it was at Kinder Scout;
Benny Rothman's band of acolytes;
Skirmished with gamekeepers, armed;
To fight for their rights;
To stand for their moors, in plight.
All attempts were made by men;
To block the act forced upon them;
They tried by parliamentary means;
To stop the sale of their common land;
A harmful attack on the comman man, unlawful.
The Mass Tresspass of 1932, passed;
It failed to un-enclose this precious tract;
Without an order, no one could wander;
Near treason during the nesting season;
A shameful act, no rhyme nor reason.
To those who walk the ancient paths;
'Get out!' - a cotton magnate shouts;
In annoyance for the trespassing louts;
Who walk on 'his' ground;
And disturb 'his' grouse.
In the end, these stalwart men;
Failed to reach the plateau, then;
There was no trespass, only the bravest stance;
With some veering from the permitted path;
Leaders rounded up, made an example of;
And taken away to prison.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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This poem was inspired by a wonderful book which can be purchased from my affiliate Spiral Leaf bookshop.
The Moor by William Atkins
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