Spiral Leaf

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness

Sue Cartwright • 17 September 2024

The consciousness of the Universe has already evolved to the level of Conscious Co-Creation which we were designed to be a part of

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

I have always been fascinated by the Mayan Calendar and was thrilled to find a lecture which was posted online 12 years ago by Ian Lungold. It was filmed at The White Horse in the Yukon Territory of Canada on June 22 2004, a year before Ian sadly died.

This post shares key insights in Ian’s presentation with information and quotes taken from a book by Carl Johan Calleman which I have just finished reading about the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the evolution of consciousness since the beginning of life of Earth. I highly recommend watching the video to understand Ian’s work and its implications for humanity. I have included links to this and the book at the end of this post.

I created a chart showing each of the nine Levels of Consciousness (and their continuation) so that you can see this in perspective before we talk about it in more detail. You can download this for free in A4 landscape PDF format.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

[The above chart extends to 11 levels including the Era of Consciousness we are in now at the beginning of a new Bak’tun. This I have named UNITY (for Unity Consciousness) represented by a fundamental equation for life which includes the previous two eras of Truth and Love to give us - LOVE (High Frequency) + TRUTH (Natural Law) = BEAUTY (Unity Consciousness). The Love + Truth = Beauty equation was originated by my late Dad, Jeff Cartwright in 1979].

A thriving tradition

The purpose of the Mayan Calendar is to track the evolution of consciousness from the beginning of life of Earth. Ian explains this very well and how this has affected us over time. Having been misinterpreted and discredited as a doomsday prophesy that never came to pass, the scientific accuracy and spiritual wisdom of the interlocking Mayan Calendar have long been hidden from us.

The Mayan culture and traditions continue to thrive today with more than seven million Maya living in their original homelands in Mesoamerica and countries all over the world. They are carrying forward the legacy of their ancestors who mapped the trajectory of existence on Earth from the dawning of time.

I believe that the reason this knowledge is coming to light is because we haven't been ready to take it on board as a collective until now. The right knowledge always comes to us when we need it most.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

A meaningful timeline

The Mayan Empire populated the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, reaching its peak of power and influence around the sixth century AD. The Maya excelled in agriculture, pottery, writing, astronomy, art and mathematics, leaving behind a stunning array of pyramids, buildings, calendars, symbolic artwork and artifacts on each one of their different sites.

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Maya became one of the most advanced civilizations in the Americas. It has taken a long time for us to understand their symbols and language. We owe our thanks to those who continue to study the beautiful buildings, artwork and stone carvings the Maya left behind. They knew the truth about where we come from and where we are going, and we can use this as a guide just as they did to learn, grow and evolve naturally.

It was Ian's passion to present this knowledge as it relates to our journey of human consciousness and how it can help. Now that he has gone and it's twenty years later, we need to take heed of his message for humanity to leave the past behind and connect with a higher level of consciousness now available to us

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

A gift for humanity

We need to realise we are part of a natural progression of change and growth and there is no use trying to hang onto the lower frequency energies of the past or to resist the incoming higher frequencies of the future.

We know this now due to the Mayan Calendar which is an extraordinary body of work written in a meaningful language that was ingeniously carved into limestone rock thousands of years ago.

It is a gift bestowed on us by the Maya (past and present) through a series of stories and interlocking calendars that chart the course of different cycles through time. Knowing this information helps us to put our lives into perspective so that we can grow in sync with natural cycles and stay in harmony with the energies of the Universe.

The reason the calendar ended in December 2012 is perhaps because when it reached the ninth level of Conscious Co-Creation and Unity at the top of the pyramid, no more external guidance would be needed.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

The Gregorian Calendar

The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in October 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to keep us at a particular level of consciousness and prevent us from being part of the evolving consciousness of the Universe.

This continues as the old system does its best to keep the populace distracted, divided, sick and overwhelmed. The aim is to prevent us from waking up so that we stay on the treadmill to perpetuate the lower frequency levels of POWER and ETHICS in an endless non-ascending repetitive cycle of perceived crisis, scarcity and fear.

Even though these energy levels have had their day, they still hold many people dependent, confused and enthralled as they battle things out with each other to the bitter end.

The Mayan Calendar, on the other hand, provides a much healthier alternative for us to focus our energies on. It encourages us to experience life at a much higher level of consciousness. It shows us that this is available to us whenever we choose to recognise it. It tells us that we have within us the innate need and desire to join hands and co-create the world we want to see together - this is our true purpose and where our true fulfilment lies.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

Discarding old levels of consciousness

The problem we have is that every computer, system and event in the world operates within the constraints of the Gregorian Calendar. The intention is to keep us separated from our higher consciousness and from Nature; to trap us in a never ending loop of false hope and broken promises. Thankfully, we are finding more and more ways to detatch from that and we are getting better at it.

This takeover was catastrophic for Indigenous Peoples who were conquered to be told what day and what time it was. Millions of people had their lives and communities destroyed, diminished or compromised because of this insidious tool. As Ian noted: It pinned our civilisation's consciousness to physical evidence only. The physical movement of physical objects moving through space.

By way of contrast, the Mayan Calendar follows a gently unfolding spiral of evolution that aligns us to cosmic energies.

It confirms that we are part of a natural progression of continuous change, improvement and enlightenment which means all we have to do is learn how to surf the wave, tune in and enjoy the ride.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

Embracing a new level of consciousness

Having listened to Ian's video, I read a book he mentioned written by Biologist, Carl Johan Calleman PhD. It’s a fascinating book that verifies Ian's calculations and provides scientific evidence on the validity of the Mayan Calendar system as an empirically provable Divine Cosmic Plan.

The book is called The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness [2004]. I will write a review as I made notes on every page with some quotes shared here. Carl's work is as relevant today as it ever was before.

I am only too pleased to bring this truth to the fore and to highlight key findings so that we can use them as a guide going forward. By knowing this information, there is little room for fear as the past is the past and we can look forward to moving on.

Carl's work on the advancement of the Mayan Calendar system continues with a recent update on The Activation of a New Positive Trecena of the 8th Wave where he says:   

The world as a whole may not be able to undergo a shift to Unity Consciousness immediately, but there will be an increased clarity of the direction in which things are meant to go already in this upcoming Trecena. We are moving in the right direction. 21 August 2024, marks the beginning of a new Sacred Calendar round of 260 days, making it a good time for setting intentions and celebrating with a large-scale vision towards the future of humanity and your place in it.

Measuring the evolution of consciousness

There are two main calendars at the centre of the Maya civilization.

1) The Tzolk'in - the count of days

This calendar is 260 days long. It is the astrological and personal calendar of the Maya consisting of 13 intentions of the creation multiplied by 20 different aspects of creation. This rotates alongside a smaller wheel marked by numbers one to thirteen.

The Mayans read the different combinations every day to align with cosmic energies and advance their knowledge and awareness.

2) The Long Count - levels of consciousness

This is the calendar that marked the progression of eras through the nine levels (see my diagram at the beginning of this post). At the end of an era, before transitioning to a higher level of consciousness, pyramids would be built to honour and record the past cycle.

Interestingly, pyramids were built on top of the previous era’s pyramid, each with their own record of events and lessons learned through the previous period. The calendar told the Maya when it was time to move on and focus on the new era ahead.

The Long Count Calendar rotated alongside the Tzolk'in so that the Mayans knew when each transition of consciousness would begin. Each level consists of 13 buktuns which are periods of 400 tuns (360 days). One buktun is therefore 400 x 360 = 144,000 days = 394.3 solar years.

NOTE: Maths is not my strong point so I have taken these figures as read and hope I have relayed them accurately. 

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf


It is no coincidence that it‘s taken billions of years for human beings to evolve from their cellular beginnings through all the ages of learning and awakening to arrive at the current level of Conscious Co-Creation.

Many of us are learning how to become responsible Conscious Creators already and this is a very good thing. The next step is to join hands so that we can learn how to become Conscious Co-Creators together.

It makes sense that when we are operating at our highest level of consciousness (or highest frequency) and we pool our vast range of knowledge, experience and skills to get things done the way we want them to be done, we will soon realise we have everything we need to create something we can be proud of. For certain, we will be amazed by the results and astounded by what we are capable of. For the first time, we will have the energy and the freedom to do things responsibly and conscientiously for the benefit of all.

You can have fun with the Mayan Calendar by cross-referencing key historical dates, environmental events, mass migrations, wars and so on to see how far we have come. When you see this in perspective, you realise that it has all been necessary for us to learn, evolve and grow to our fullest potential.

The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

Go create!

Knowing this and seeing the evidence for ourselves tells us there is nothing to fear and nothing to stop us. All we have to do is tune into the energy and go with it.

I hope this has piqued your interest to learn more and has strengthened your confidence to keep consciously creating the world you most want to see.

Next time, I will share how the nine levels of consciousness apply to our life journey as human beings so stay tuned and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Sue Cartwright

Spiral Leaf

Further Listening and Books

The Mayan Calendar Comes North - A presentation by Ian Xel Lungold

The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness by Carl Johan Calleman PhD

The Nine Waves of Consciousness - Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution and the Destiny of Humanity by Carl Johan Calleman PhD

Only the third link above is an affiliate link to my bookshop where Spiral Leaf may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you!

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