A powerful book that dispels myths about time and looks deeply into the attitudes and behaviours that can have a profound impact on our relationships and the way we live our lives.
Established myths that humanity has reached the pinnacle of its development, for example, or that we are completely separate from each other, Nature and the Cosmos, or that the physical world is all there is, are completely debunked which can only make you feel good inside. Based on his own personal transformation, Eckhart brilliantly shows us how to rise above our conscious thoughts to see things how they really are. This is what enabled him to overcome his fears by ending his delusion of
needing time to exist and enabling him to experience great pleasure from living in the NOW.
By watching our thoughts and putting them into the right context, we can start to remove the counter-productive burden of worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future, or stop going over and over things we have done (or could have done) in the past. This doesn't serve any constructive purpose so if we can focus on the one thing we are doing at any moment in time, and engage our minds in the activity, we can prevent such unhelpful thoughts from taking over.
With practice we can learn to resist reacting to our sub-conscious thoughts and create the space needed for transformation to take place. It can be difficult to notice your mind wandering and bring your thoughts back into the moment. However, it is well worth working on this so that we can intercept emotional reactions and train our minds to serve us better. When we do, we discover we
can control our thoughts and start to shape the life we most want to live.
This applies equally to giving others the space to express themselves and work things through in a similar way. When we understand these things, it provides us all with the opportunity to show true compassion towards each other and contribute towards bringing about a better world.
In summary, it is the quality of our consciousness at any particular moment in time that is the main determinant of the kind of life we are experiencing. It also determines what kind of future we are manifesting for ourselves, our loved ones and the rest of the world. Our minds, conscious or not, are powerful creators and we need to be aware of this so that we can bring about positive change with our thoughts, feelings and intentions.
When we surrender to what IS and become fully present, the past ceases to have any power over us, the future ceases to frighten us, and we are able to free ourselves to enjoy the feeling of BEING in the moment - the perfect state of bliss.
Here's to the power of NOW.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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