Welcome July
Mid-Summer sunshine and shimmering blue skies;
Fresh fruits ripening on bushes, trees and vines;
When days are long, spent being with Nature outside;
With picnics on the beach, dining alfresco as the Sun shines.
Welcome July
Sultry scents and warm, balmy nights;
Energy of the Buck Moon, named Thunder by the Western Abenaki Tribe;
A time of growth and renewal, Bucks shed their antlers, making way for new velvet-covered bone;
A metaphor for life, as we shed old patterns and beliefs to evolve and grow.
Welcome July
Village festivals and Morris Men;
Custom dancers, folk singers, fiddlers and local bands;
As Amaterasu, Solar Goddess, Sister of the Moon;
Brings love, compassion, warmth and light for every Sovereign Soul.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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