Where is free?
What does it mean me?
When troubled thoughts can be released;
When going within brings inner peace;
Free is clarity - for my mind.
Where is free?
How does it feel to me?
As toxic traces are expelled;
As Nature's gifts bring me back to health;
Free is tranquillity - for my body.
Where is free?
Why does it matter to me?
To live in a state of energetic grace;
In the here and now where all life is;
Free is reality - for my spirit.
Where is free?
How does it nourish me?
It's a flow of love that glides, or rests in sweet repose;
In a sacred place of stillness where creativity flows;
Free is serenity - for my soul.
Where is free?
Where does it take me?
To be myself in an infinite Universe of possibility;
To love life and co-create a beautiful life on Earth - for all people and for humanity;
Free is humility - for my whole being.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
This poem is inspired by and includes the five aspects of self as originated in
The Daily Credo Affirmation by Jeff Cartwright.
Further Reading
Finding the Beauty In Stillness - An intoduction to The Daily Credo by Jeff Cartwright
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