A sacred place where ancient woodlands grow, rivers flow, oaks creak and wolves are free to roam
A sacred place;
Wild magnificence, mysterious grace;
Balance, harmony, peace, space;
Nature's embrace.
A wolf waits;
Watchful, aware, senses piqued;
Wise, intelligent, masterful, sleek;
In perfect peace.
The night gleams;
Elemental energy, charged, real;
In valleys, woodlands, rivers, streams;
A place of dreams.
Water flows;
Swift and purposefully, it goes;
Down to the sea where the winds blow;
Energetic flow.
An oak creaks;
In universal language, Nature speaks;
Sounds of life, spiritual mystique;
Our destiny to seek.
A raven croaks;
Soaring high, feathers swish and glide;
Outspread wings in masterful flight;
Guiding us home.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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