The Full Blue Supermoon is a rare event being the second Supermoon in the month of August. When a second Full Moon falls within the same calendar month it is known as a Blue Moon, hence the expression, ‘Once in a blue moon’ used to describe a rare event. A Blue Moon appears every two to three years.
Full Blue Supermoon - letting go unwanted anxiety and emotions
A Full Moon provides the opportunity to release the past with acceptance and forgiveness so that we can return to a place of calm and clear our minds. It's a time to bring any troubles or axienties we have been harbouring to the fore to be processed. The rare Blue Supermoon in particular offers us the chance to go within and start again renewed.
The first half of this year has been particularly intense with Pluto changing signs to Capricorn. This only happens every couple of decades and this time coinciding with Saturn changing signs to Aquarius which happens once every couple of years. Jupiter has also changed signs to Aries and there have been some intense eclipses.
The astrology for the rest of the year will be much more soft and gentle, making it a really good time to release any stresses and strains so that we can focus on our ideal goals and the values we hold dear.
Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces - understanding our purpose in life
The Blue Supermoon in Pisces connects with the planet Saturn, which is retrograde in Pisces. This alignment gives us plenty of time to hone in on our spiritual growth and advancement. It's a union that depicts wisdom, healing, and transcendence.
The influence of Pisces means emotions will flow like the tides of the ocean but the stabilising force of Saturn helps us own and bring into balance our innermost feelings. As our senses evolve in this way, it helps us to understand our place in the world we live in.
This divine and magical luminary guides us to find our true purpose and path in life as well as bringing opportunites to make our dreams a reality. Embrace the altruistic energies and spiritual enlightenment being brought to us during this time knowing that such soulful insights have the power to change our lives for the better.
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