What is an Almanac?
An Almanac provides astronomical and meteorological data for any given year including the rising and setting times of the sun. An Almanac also includes moon phases, positions of the planets, schedules of low and high tides, and a calendar of special days, seasonal events and historical information.
A Farmer's Almanac lists nautical, astronomical and astrological data used for navigation and forecasting. It uses an exclusive mathematical and astronomical formula that relies on sunspot activity, tidal action of the moon, planetary positions and other factors, making it the oldest form of weather forecast for those working on land or sea.
A Seasonal Guide
Whilst 'The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2022', is not a Farmer's Almanac per say, it contains much of the above information and more. Set out with key dates at the beginning of each month followed by sections including charts for movements of the sun, moon and tides, and helpful information on gardening, growing, foraging, recipes and folklore.
The theme for this edition is folklore celebrations with stories, songs, events and recipes for every month of the year. No better way to get closer to nature and find out more about local and traveller traditions that have created the most memorable and enjoyable occasions for communities over the centuries.
Seasonal Topics
Each chapter contains a wealth of information with a different theme each year. This year the theme is folk celebrations with folk songs, stories and recipes for every month of the year. The core seasonal information includes:
It's never too late to buy an Almanac and tune into the cycles of Nature and the abundance of our natural world. This Almanac is published every year providing a really helpful go-to guide that becomes essential for following the seasons and connecting with Nature throughout the year.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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