Astronomial calendar
An almanac is traditionally defined as a 'calendar of the heavens' because it follows the four seasons through each solstice, equinox, moon phase, dawn and sunset, tide and Spring tides, local traditional events and folklore.
With Spring in full swing, the dawn rose this morning at 5.49 am with our first sunset of the month closing the day at 8.35 pm. The weather will still be a few degrees warmer with up to 8 days of rain predicted this month so be prepared for a downpour if you are heading out for a long walk.
At the end of the month, dawn will rise at 5.08 am with the last sunset of the month closing the day at 9.17 pm bringing in the longer evening hours over the coming months.
Here are some key events, dates and information to make a note of for May.
Moon phases
Friday 5 May - FULL FLOWER MOON in Scorpio
Friday 19 May - NEW STRAWBERRY MOON in Taurus
Lunar Eclipse
Friday 5 May - Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned
Sunrise and sunset (Devon)
Wednesday 1 March - Sunrise (6.51 am) | Sunset (7.49 pm)
Tuesday 28 February - Sunrise (5.51 am) | Sunset (8.33 pm)
In the garden
Planting - plant out tender vegetable plants such as Winter Squash, Courgettes, Tomatoes
Frost Protection - Beware of late frosts and be prepared to protect with fleece if frosts are forecast
Potting - create hanging baskets and pots full of colourful tender bedding plants from local markets and farm shops
Weeding - keep on top of unwanted weeds, get among your plants and do a good weed now, nipping any problems in the bud, weeding is always easier after wet weather
In the hedgerows
Foraging - learn about the different wild plants, fruits and fungi you can collect for nutritional health and healing
In season - Alexanders, Beech Leaves, Bistort, Burdock, Chickweed, Comfrey Leaves, Dandelion, Fat Hen, Good-king-henry, Hawtorn Tips, Hop Tips, Nettle Tips, Orache, Rampion, Salad Burner, Sea Beet, Sorrel, Tansy, Watercress, Wintercress, Wood Sorrel
Edible Wild Flowers - Dandelion, Daisies, Nasturtiums, Broom, Borage, Elderflower, Chamomile, Hawthorn, Marigold, Pansy, Violet, Wild Rose
Wild Herbs - Cleavers, Hairy Bittercress, Hedge Garlic, Lemon Balm, Wild Marjoram, Spearmint, Sweet Cicely, Wild Thyme, Wild Fennel
In the markets
Vegetables - Asparagus, Broad Beans, Baby Globe Artichokes, Peas, Radishes, Wild Rocket, Beetroot, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Chard, Endive, Green Garlic, Lettuce, Spring Onions, Spinach, Spring Greens, Turnips, Sorrel, Gooseberry
Herbs - Chives and Chive Flowers, Parsley, Chervil, Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Mint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Coriander, Dill
Into the wild
As the Swallows continue to raise their families performing their arobatic endeavours in the sky, the bluebells are out in force, carpeting woodland copses, moorland mires and forest floors. It's hard to imagine any other wildflower experience that can top a wild British Bluebell Wood in full bloom.
The dawn chorus is reaching its peak now so make sure you make a few dawn dates to listen to the Dawn Chorus while it lasts. With the sun rising a little before 7.00 am, it's not too much of a hardship with the mornings are getting warmer. You might even be lucky enough to catch a wild rabbit basking in the early monring sun.
Keep an eye out for all manner of wild aminals, toads, birds,
insects, pollinators and small creatures – including Natterjack Toads, Great Crested Newts, Bumblebees and Badgers – out in force making the most of this most abundant and fertile time of the year.
Moon dates
Don't forget to make a date with the Full Flower Moon on Friday 5 May and New Strawberry Moon on Friday 19 May when you can tune into the beautiful lunar light energy for creative inspiration, motivation and taking action (full moon) or for reflection, replenishment and planning (new moon).
Keep an eye out for this month's new moon and full moon articles with information and guidance and I look forward to seeing you for another Almanac overview on 1 June 2023.
Surrounded by trees
Discovering treasures
Further reading
I highly recommend
The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2023 by Lia Leendertz with a wealth of information to help you get closer to Nature through the seasons. Spiral Leaf may earn a small commission from from this link without affecting the price to you. Fees have generated over £2.6 million for local bookshops and independent book sellers to date.
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