A leaf, resplendent in golden yellow;
Caught my eye on the path to the meadow;
A once new Sycamore, perfectly shaped and pointed;
Floating on a pond made by a furrow once plowed and planted.
I approached and stopped for a closer look;
A blaze of art in water dappled with blue skies above;
A meeting of solid form and fluidity with a fine skin between;
A miracle of elements woven together - intricately pristine.
In Nature, an infinity of treasured gifts abound;
Throughout the seasons, living with us in the here and now;
Connecting with the beauty and finery of Nature's creation;
Makes us part of something precious, real and truly sensational.
Sacred geometry seen through the natural world;
Gently repeating patterns, shapes, forms, spirals and curves;
Soothing for the soul and pleasing on the eye;
Capturing poignant moments to look back on through life.
And so, with throughts of wonder clearly in mind;
Listen and notice Nature's call to seek - and you shall find;
Delights to fill your heart with love, momentos dear to keep;
Pause to capture the beauty of your day - take a leaf.
by Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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