In the colder months when we are struggling to keep warm and the world seems to be in a state of uncertainty and flux, it can be hard to maintain a positive outlook and to keep our spirits up. This is when I turn to my Crystal Mandala Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild for divine guidance from our highest evolved Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters and Goddesses.
Cleansing the cards, connecting to the highest source of love and light, and asking for guidance at any point in time is a beneficial exercise - with or without using the cards. It serves to calm the body, focus the mind and tune our hearts to the power of our own good intentions. It helps us to align our consciousness with the Universe and raise our spiritual frequencies in line with our true higher selves, higher spiritual guides and Earth's natural vibrations.
These cards never disappoint and the messages coming through were so powerful, I felt the need to share them with you. I hope they provide some comfort, reassurance and inspiration for you too.
49. Goddess Maya and Ruby Aura Quartz
'Be willing to see the truth unveiled in its naked divinity, beauty and mystery. This will set your spirit free and make your heart come alive with divine love. No lie, deception, fear or agenda can remain hidden in 'searing presence' and you will see what you need to see. Know that there is only ever love seeking to free, heal and discover itself.
Feel the grace that premeates your life and assists all beings. Feel all impatience, doubt, uncertainty and confusions giving way, becoming soft, like wax melted by a lit candle, where only the beautiful light of truth remains.'
24. Ascended Master Mary Magdelene and Aqua Aura Quartz
'Bringing in the art of transmutation which is the application of spiritual consciousness to physical form. This is so profound that an entirely new form evolves. It represents irreversible change, as in the transformation of coal into diamonds, the awakening into the radiant gold of consciousness.
Remember that successful transformation requires patience, courage and a belief in the POWER of spirit above all else. This radical and permanent transformation is effected by 'divine alchemy' and may seem miraculous yet the alchemist knows that when spiritual consciousness meets physical matter, the world will never be the same again.'
1. Archangel Metatron and Clear Quartz
'Spiritual power enables us to trust in our highest guidance, no matter what apprears to be happening in our lives. Psychological and emotional power enables us to transform by evolving our self-belief systems and processing our emotions in order to gain wisdom.
Physical power gives us the strength to take action on the matters that best serve our life path. The gift of power is safe for us to receive when we use it to fulfil our divine destiny which in turn supports all beings.'
46. Goddess Kali and Black Obsidian
'When a cycle of authority or power is ending, having become inadequate for the task of leadership now required, a 'new order' must be established in its place. It is not simply a chapter within a book drawing to a close but an 'entirely new book' with a gentle opening up according to divine will unfolding.
Subtle changes are not going to cut it. We need radical action to bring about a New Way. This may be in our world and in our own being, and when 'sacred revolution' is divine, the New Way will be that which allows us to become more of ourselves to successfully attain our spiritual goals.'
50. Goddess Persephone and Ruby
'Authority through divine wisdom provides active empowerment within men and women who consciously seek to honour their feelings, instincts and intuition, and who choose to live their lives according to a moral code of compassion. When the 'inner queen' stirs within, judgement is replaced with empathy, for our own suffering and that of others.
This helps us to understand that human beings who cannot resolve their suffering will unconsciously act out their pain in the world. The healing power of the 'inner queen' brings this inner pain to consciousness where it can finally be released and the soul freed. It means shining a gentle light of intension for the liberation from suffering for all beings.'
51. Goddess Isis and Isis Crystal
'There is something magnificent in the human spirit when one chooses to believe in oneself. Life rallies to strengthen and encourage it. It is the expression of the will to live, not from a place of fear, but with a brave, divinely defiant boldness that refuses to give up on what matters most.
We have all had our share of heartache and disappointment, and yet, rather than bitterness in our hearts, we choose love. Despite moments of doubt or despair, deep within our hearts, we choose to continue on.'
17. Agnel Bath Kol and Aquamarine
'Know your own truth and speak them in your own way because we all have something of value to share. Our inner worlds, unique view points and the people we are, are spoken through our 'authentic voice'. This helps others to relax, come out of their heads into their hearts, and remember the truth of who they are as well.
Our 'authentic voice' has been designed to be a valuable part of the sacred choir of soul voices which create music for the Universe. As we trust in our 'authentic voice', our ability to manifest our divine destiny will grow and our responsible use of the POWER of voice serves to help many.'
54. Goddess Pele and Lava Stone
'There is a time and a place on our spiritual path for detachment and the ability to step back and perceive from a neutral perspective. This brings greater clarity, especially in times of uncertainty. This is a time for the mind to become still, peaceful and open to divine guidance even if that means temporary losses or delays for the longer term benefits.
Melt into your 'divine desire' and allow passion to motivate and inspire you. This will help you to attain great progress on your divine life journey where a less fervent longing could not. Now is the time to discover what has meaning and what you feel strongly enough about to never give up.'
In conclusion
The messages in this reading could not be clearer. The truth will set us free, enabling us to create a new form of being; one that emerges into radiant consciousness. With clarity and confidence, we strengthen our belief in our own spiritual power so that we can take meaningful steps on our life path leading to our divine destiny.
With truth on our side, the sense of foreboding during these troubled times subsides so that we are able to take action to present an entirely new 'book of life' into the world. It is the book we will write together according to a moral code of compassion and love. By believing in ourselves and our spiritual power we can shine a gentle light of intension into the world and liberate all beings from their suffering. By using our loving voices we will create beautiful music for the entire Universe.
It is time to realise and release the innate passion that will motivate and inspire us to bring to light the world we dream of for ourselves, our loved ones, our brothers and sisters across the world, all living beings, Mother Nature and our beautiful planet Earth.
In other words, when we keep believing in your dreams and never give up, magic happens!
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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