March's Full Moon is known as the Worm Moon as it represents the cycles of the seasons and the lessons offered and learned along the way. The Worm Moon garners its name from Earthworms that riggle through the warm soil as the seasons change from frosty Winter to the warmth, vitality and brilliance of a new Spring season.
New Worm Moon - antipating change
The Full Worm Moon in Virgo presents the opportunity to reflect on the cycles of the seasons and things learned along the way. The Worm Moon honours the fact that Earthworms are a vital part of life, producing healthy soil to support our ecosystem just as our own health and happiness is a vital to our health and happiness.
We can learn from Earthworms' wriggling movements that generate important air space in the soil. They recycle whatever they consume and repel as they go along, transforming waste into the crucial nutrients plants require for healthy growth. It reminds us that we need to create space to grow so that we can add value to our lives and our communities, and receive what we need to live a good life in return.
New Worm Moon in Pisces - emotionally aware
Pisces represents the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac bringing about a daydreaming energy that can be described as warm, empathetic and highly creative. Pisces are naturally emotionally aware creatures, so tuning into the thoughts and feelings of others is something that comes second nature to them.
To really hone in on the Pisces vibe during this part of the New Year, try tapping into your imagination to float away to far-away worlds. This is the time to drift off and explore higher dimensions where your thoughts roam. Contemplate your place in the wider context of the Universe so that you can bring to mind things you want to learn and achieve on your life journey.
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