February's New Moon is known as the Worm Moon takes its name after the Earthworms beginning to emerge as temperatures start to rise again in the days leading up to Spring. This brings great anticipation as the bitter cold of Winter begins to ease and the ground begins the thaw slowly to prepare the growth and renewal of Springtime.
New Worm Moon - connecting with Nature
In preparation for the Full Worm Moon later this month, now is the time to start preparing for the season of rebirth and new life as we begin to approach the Spring Solistice on 21 March.
As each day gets longer and brighter, and we are able to spend a little more time outside, we can observe how the seasons unfold and how Nature provides all the resources needed to ensure the healthy growth and popogation of every one of her species. In the same way, we can reflect on our connection to the natural world and how best we can live in harmony with living things and our beautiful planet Earth for our general health and wellbeing.
New Worm Moon in Pisces - time to daydream
Pisces represents the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac bringing in the fresh hope of new life as Nature slowly starts stirs after the Winter hibernation. The shortest month of the year, it marks the final month of the winter season and heralds the dawning of spring
This is a good time to wrap up warm and go for relaxing and meditative walks to experience the early stirring of new life with fern fronds starting to push through the soil and all manner of wild things stirring in anticipation of the new Spring. A walk in Nature is enriched by noticing such things and appreciating the beauty around us at any time of year.
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