Full Worm Moon
Cycles of the seasons and lessons learned;
Waking from our Winter's sleep as Nature's buds emerge;
Weather changing from the Winter cold to much warmer days,
We herald in the Spring, new life, our most abundant phase.
Full Worm Moon
Time to reflect on the continuum of life as we evolve;
Honouring the Earthworms that produce our healthy soil;
Respecting Earth's magnificence as part of the whole;
Vital to our health and our traditions of old.
Full Worm Moon
A time of completion when we let the past go;
Creating space for new ideas and fresh creative flow;
Bringing harmony and balance to our highs and to our lows;
Giving and receiving, as above and so below.
Full Worm Moon
Moving into Virgo, the Zodiac's grounding stage;
Deep rooted, practical, old souls who never age;
Tuning into feelings, emotions come and go;
Releasing all that no longer helps us to grow.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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