Spiral Leaf

The Joy of Beginning

Sue Cartwright • 13 March 2025

The secret to experiencing life as a continuous flow of beginnings

The Joy of Beginning by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

Nature always lives in the moment with no distractions and no other option but to be what it is meant to be at any given time. Nature grows and evolves on a continuum that moves perpetually forward in harmony with the cycles of the seasons.

There is so much we can learn from Mother Nature's beautiful expression of forward moving motion - in birth, growth, decomposition and evolution. Every living thing (or being) is designed to thrive in its natural environment where it slips into the same ease of flow that makes each moment a beginning full of promise and every ending a prerequisite for change or for creating something new.

This means that for Nature, there is no conscious recollection of the past and no deliberation about the future, there is only what needs to be done in the present moment. However, this does not mean that creatures, birds and animals do not have any sense of what has gone before or what might lay ahead.

A report, Do Animals Live In the Present, published in the Applied Animal Behaviour Science Journal in 2008, concludes: There is no doubt that many types of animals live in the present to an extent which is hard for a human being to conceive. But, even so, many animals not only remember the past but fear the future, at least to some degree.

Due to continuing research on animal consciousness, we know now that an increasing amount of mammals and birds use their brain to think things through rather than relying purely on hard-wired instinct to respond in this world.

Either way, in the animal world, there is only what needs to be done now where past experience informs the action and provides guidance in terms of what to avoid, when to hide, when to run away, when to defend or attack, where to find things, how to do things, what to eat, where to find water, and so on.

The Joy of Beginning by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

The nature of beginning

Beginning is described in the dictionary as the point in time or space at which something begins or the first part or earliest stage of something or the background or origins of a person or organisation.

These subtle nuances describe a beginning as marking a particular moment or phase in time or for stating when something was first originated. The standard definition does not consider the possibility that every moment in time is - by definition - a new beginning, as in each moment we are stepping into a moment that did not exist before.

Experiencing life as a continuous flow of beginnings is not easy for human beings when we are constantly afflicted with unconscious thoughts that keep going over the past or keep us in a state of fear about what might happen in the future.

This is where the Buddhist tradition of developing a Beginner’s Mind can be very helpful. It is a practice known as Shoshin which I mentioned in a previous post - The Nature of Curiosity. It is where being curious engenders a natural state of being open and accepting towards ourselves and others.

The Joy of Beginning by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

The nature of beginner's mind

This inspired me to read a book about the teachings of Shunryū Suzuki [1904-1971] which are recorded in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Shunryū Suzuki was recognised as a founding father of Zen in America. He was also known as Suzuki-Rōshi, the latter title described in the Encyclopedia of Buddhism as old teacher or old master which is the honorific title of a senior Buddhist teacher or monk in Japanese Buddhism.

I have summarised the concept of acquiring a Zen Mind or Beginner's Mind in my review of this beautiful book where we are introduced to an ideal state of being where the mind is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt and open to all possibilities.

It centres around the practice of Zazen Meditation or Sitting Meditation where the aim is to let go of judgemenal thoughts and distractions, and to allow any sensations or feelings that arise to pass by thus deepening our insight into the true nature of our being.

This is the starting point for cultivating a mind that can see things as they are in the reality of the present moment. It is an ancient way of teaching as it relates to everyday life where students teach themselves about the nature of their true self.

The Joy of Beginning by Sue Cartwright, Spiral Leaf

The nature of daily practice

Often, what we perceive to be an obstacle to becoming self aware and connecting with our inner place of calm in any eventuality is hard work. We are quick to assume that challenges are beyond us or that things that happen to us are someone or something else's fault. This can make us reluctant to learn new things or make the effort to learn more about ourselves.

It takes daily practice to still the mind and to be able to do this when we are in the midst of a problem. It is even harder to adopt a Beginner's Mind as a way of life but it can be done. Suzuki-Rōshi teaches us that the best way to relieve mental suffering is to sit in Zazen as no other activity can appease suffering in the same way. He says: When you feel disagreeable, it is better for you to sit. There is no other way to accept your problem and work on it.

As with most things that require hard work to accomplish, cultivating a Beginner's Mind brings unfathomable rewards. When our minds are clear, we are able to access profound levels of understanding and knowledge (about ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in) that are otherwise unavailable to us. Whether we think we have problems or not depends to a large degree on our understanding and attitude towards our true nature and towards life itself.

Guidance on these indepth aspects of self-awareness is provided in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind which I highly recommend as a starting point or as a means to enhance your meditative experience and spiritual understanding.

Taking the first step

We make progress by taking the first step and by focusing our attention on one thing at a time. Only then can we full enjoy and appreciate the benefits of living in the present moment and experiencing life through the eyes of a beginner (and our inner child) where life is full of wonder and where our true freedom lies.

Keep trying new things and revisit things you thought you already knew. Life is an unfolding journey of discovery and when we treat it this way, we can learn to experience the joy of beginning in every moment and at the beginning of each new day.

Sue Cartwright

Spiral Leaf

Buy the book - A Seasonal Guide to 2022 by Lia Leendertz

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Zen Mind, Beginnger's Mind - Informal talks on Zen meditation and practice by Shunryū Suzuki

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