This is the time of year when it becomes easier to 'catch a cold' when our body's repair system is depleted or lacking in the essential nutrients and general vitality that enables it to look after us properly. This is why stocking up on vital organic nutritional food, herbs and spices during the colder times of year is highly recommended.
If you have any existing conditions or are taking any pharmaceutical medications always seek medical advice. Finding a natural healer or doctor who advocates natural healing is always a good idea. Our bodies are capable of healing themselves if we understand what the causes are and give ourselves the right support, protocols and nourishment.
2 x large White Onions
2 x Lemons
2 x large sprigs Rosemary
1 x Whole Garlic
3 x dried Cinnamon Sticks
2 tbs x dried Star Anise
1 x large root of Ginger (fresh)
1 x medium root of Tumeric (fresh)
2 x tbs Black, Green and Red Peppercorns
Filtered water (enough to fill the pan)
1 x tsp Raw Honey (to taste)
Cooking instructions
Prepare all the ingredients before adding to the pan as follows:
1) Peel and chop the onions into rough pieces.
2) Thoroughly wash and slice the lemons. Save a few slices to add to the drink when serving.
3) Peel and slice the Garlic Cloves and crush slightly with the flat of a knife.
4) Peel and slice the fresh Ginger and crush slightly with the flat of a knife.
5) Peel and slice the fresh Tumeric and crush slightly with the flat of a knife. (Note that Tumerica juice is very strong and will stain your fingers and anything else it comes in contact with).
6) Wash the fresh Rosemary and strip the leaves from the stalks.
Cooking instructions
1) Place all the ingredients in a large saucepan and fill the pan to the top with filtered water.
2) Bring to the boil and turn down immediately to a gentle simmer.
3) Place the lid on the pan and do not remove until the remedy is cooked and cooled so that none of the essential nutrients are lost.
4) Strain the mixture through a seive into a large jug and discard all the ingredients.
5) Serve immediately warm with a slice of fresh Lemon and a large spoon of Raw Honey.
6) Drink a cup of the mixture several times a day (warmed through) until symptoms start to subside.
Essential ingredients
This recipe contains all the greats - ingredients that have been used to boost repair systems through the colder months over centuries. White onion has a host of medicinal properties including vitamin C, folate, biotin, chromium and calcium. They are the richest food source for quercitin which is a potent antioxidant shown to help in preventing blood clots, asthma, sinus infections and bronchitis,
I have talked about lemons, ginger, garlic and star anise in my
Citrus Metal Detox recipe and about Raw Honey other helpful cleansing herbs in my
Lemon Herbal Cleanse recipe. Here we introduce a few other spices that are particularly helpful in giving us a boost through the Winter months.
Cinnamon is a great source of vitamins A and B-complex and minerals such as chromium, iron, zinc and calcium. It is known to help prevent and shorten the duration of colds and flu as well help to eliminate congestion and mucus from the body.
Tumeric has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-depressant since ancient times. This brightly coloured root is also known to soothe respiratory ailments and decreases inflammation. It also stains everything bright yellow so be careful when peeling it and cooking with it.
Cloves are a highly prized medicinal spice used for centuries to treat digestive and respiratory conditions. They contain good amounts of vitamins A, C, K, and B-complex as well as minerals such as manganese, iron, selenium, potassium and magnesium. Cloves also contain powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties making them tremendously useful in helping to heal a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.
Black Pepper's main active compound is 'piperine' which helps the body to effectively reduce inflammation.
A final note about cold and flu
In recent years we have been led to believe that the 'cold and flu' are some kind of virus rather than symptoms created by our bodies when our repair systems are removing unwanted toxins, waste and bacteria. We are at our most vulnerable when we are feeling run down and our bodies are lacking in essential nutrients. We are also more prone to illness if our bodies, blood and vital organs are having to overwork themselves to process and remove artifical and accumulatlively harmful processed foods and chemicals.
There has never been any question that a daily healthy organic diet of mixed vegetables, fruits and herbs is fundamental to good health and helps us to keep disease at bay. This is the time of year when we need to be particularly generous with the goodness we feed into our bodies. It's the best way to build ourselves up during the colder months with natural organic foods, gentle exercise in the fresh air and additive-free wholefood supplements..
Finding a reliable source of organic food and learning how to create tasty and nutritious recipes without introducing processed foods is a great way to detox and build our up our strength for the year ahead. It's something we can turn our attention to knowing that by estalishing a staple, healthy diet with daily activities and fresh oxygenated air that get our bodies moving, we can continually boost our repair systems through the seasons.
Sue Cartwright
Sprial Leaf
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