An Almanac provides astronomical and meteorological data for any given year including the rising and setting times of the Sun, schedules for the tides and Spring tides, tables of Moon phases and planet positions, a monthly calendar of special days, traditional events and historical knowledge, all of which are a pleasure to explore and enjoy through the seasons.
I am often searching the internet for this kind of information and always find it a challenge, especially for information specific to the British Isles and more localised folklore, traditions and customs. Then I discovered Lia Leendertz and her 'seasonal guide' Almanacs published in Great Britain every year which make it a breeze! These little books are a delight and cover much more than you would find in a typical Farmer's Almanac which obviously relates more to matters affecting agriculture and fishing.
Trusted guide
This is my third Lia Leendertz Almanac and this year the theme is the Zodiac. Every month there are records of heavenly activity, locations of planets and the best time to spot such things in the sky. Each sign of the Zodiac is explained in their given month including categories such as plantary symbol, associated planet, element, colour and characteristics.
This I will follow through the year as I always do, and this year especially the fabulous seasonal recipes, folk songs and exactly when to do things in the garden through each Moon quarter of the month. My garden is tiny but I am learning all the time for when I have a larger garden to turn into a sanctuary for all living creatures to enjoy the natural cycles of the seasons.
Seasonal information
Last year, Lia's Almanac for 2022 contained lists of which foods to forage and when, together with which fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are in season through each month of the year. This information I have carried forward to include in my own Almanac for 2023 series which will be published on the blog on the first of every month.
The focus is on dates for the sunrise and sunset at the beginning and ending of each month; on all the New and Full Moon dates, Solstices and Eclipes; on the things we can forage and what to buy in season from our local organic farmers, farm shops and markets. In addition to the Almanac, there will be posts every month with the meanings and suggested spiritual activities to take advantage of on the day and night of the New Moon and Full Moon throughout the year.
Nature's rhythm
In terms of Lia's book, I highly recommend this modest purchase to keep by your side and dip into each month. It's important for our body, mind, spirit and soul to stay in tune with Earth's natural rhythms. We know how good it feels to be in Nature when we feel more relaxed and more alive!
We know how wonderful it feels deep down inside when we experience a breathtaking sunset, or a magnificent Dawn Chorus, or the colours in the skly when the Sun goes down at the end of the day. It's also good to know what the ocean is doing and when it's safe or desirable to take a trip to the beach, take our shoes and socks off, and experience the sensation of bare feet on Earth's ground for a while. Taking in the sea breeze and feeling the strong rhythm of the sea makes us wonder why we don't do these things more often.
Tuning in
Lia's Almanac this year is full of all sorts of important information, as it is every year, and I love that the theme is Zodoac this year because knowing about these things gives us a better insight into ourselves. Following the astrological calendar means knowing when we are most likely to perform at our best and when it's 'best' to retreat and take things more slowly for a while. Our bodies are like the ocean, they ebb and flow. By definition, beacuase we are of this Earth, we do well to synchronise our thoughts, feelings and actions with the natural rhythm of the very thing that sustains us and keeps us well.
I hope you will make this beautifully illustrated and presented book your own to help you get close to Nature through 2023 (see below). This, together with my new Almanac Series on the blog, adding further guidance and the important information about organic food from LIa's Almanac last year, you will have all the information you need to do just that - and well!
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2022 by Lia Leendertz
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