April's New Moon is known as the Flower Moon because of the abundance of flowers blossoming at this time of year. The New Flower Moon in mid-April is a beautiful and delicate precursor to the forthcoming bounty of the Full Flower Moon in early May.
New Flower Moon - seeing the light
The New Flower Moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others. The gentle ebb of the moon's energy encourages us to let go any thoughts that no longer serve us. It's an opportunity to step into our brighter and more abundant selves so that we can continue to expand and evolve.
The name of the Flower Moon can be compared to us in the sense that every flower starts out as a seed, buried in the dark, damp soil. Nature knows that darkness has its purpose and we do well to remember that we too can emerge into the light at any time we choose.
New Flower Moon in Aries - feeling inspired
A New Flower Moon in Aries begins a new momentum where life seems to start speeding up with inspiration flooding in as things become clearer and there is a brightness in the air. This in preparation for a new moon solar eclipse in early May which launches the first eclipse in a series of eclipses taking place on the Libra-Aries axis.
This is where we can take a lead from Aries (similar to fellow fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius) to ignite our passion and motivate ourselves to work with loved ones, friends and our wider communities. When we embrace the cheerful disposition and relentless determination of Aries, adopting the same uncomplicated and direct approach, we can make good things happen for ourselves and those around us.
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