March's New Moon is known as the Pink Moon, taking its names from the pink herb Moss Phlox, a wildflower that blooms during the early Springtime in the North American regions. It starts to grow or 'creep' along the hills and valleys in the early awakenings of Spring creating swathes of pretty pink blooms across the land.
New Pink Moon - Spring cleaning
Spring is the best time of year for Spring cleaning our homes, gardens, work spaces and inner selves. The latter we can do best by spending as much time as possible out and about in Nature, connecting with the expectancy of Spring, the most prolific and abundant time of year.
Nature helps us to synchronise with the new life energy blossoming around us. The New Pink Moon gives us the opportunity fill our hearts with light to blow away any cobwebs that might have settled in over the colder months. It's time to sweep away negative thoughts and make room for imagining new beginnings and you would like things to unfold.
Tune into the refreshing energy of the first New Pink Moon following yesterday's Spring Equinox on 20 March 2023. Work on balancing your energy and frequencies at a time when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night.
Take advantage of new herbs and plants emerging to make teas and tisanes that will cleanse your body and boost your repair system ready for the coming Spring.
New Pink Moon in Aries - going with the flow
A New Pink Moon in Aries presents an invitation to draw from this fire sign's headstrong energy. Aries are known for their enthusiasm and drive to push themselves to be their absolute best. What we can learn from Aries is that being true to who we is is always the best option and fighting for what we want is increasingly essential.
To make the most of this vibrant Aries energy, take more action than usual and ride the wave. This means standing up to voice your opinions in truth and with courage and not letting anyone stand in the way of your dreams and desires.
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