On a moorland path;
Where wild winds blow;
The air is fresh;
The sky is blue;
Hear me Mother Earth;
As I sing with you.
Humming my tune;
Nature comes to life;
Every blade of grass;
Every bird in flight;
A symphony of hues;
Lifts my heart.
I sing up my song;
In tune, as I walk;
For the granite rocks;
For the roots in the soil;
In the here and now;
In yin, yang and dao.
Dreamtime Dreamings;
Are memory codes;
Woven by Aborigines;
Mythical stories told;
Uniting us with the land;
In rhythm with our soul.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
[Edited on 21 November 2023]
About this poem and further reading
This poem was inspired by the songlines or 'dreamings' woven into the land by indigenous Australians.
Songlines or dreamings represent an ancient memory code, tracing astronomy and geographical elements from ancient stories. They describe how the landscape has been shaped over time as a means to preserve an encyclopedic memory of the land and thousands of native species of plants and animals across Australia.
Sharing songlines with visiting tribes follows the lore of the land to ensure the well being of anyone travelling across a particular territory. Codes embedded in the songs contain detailed information about navigation, replenishment and the avoidance of danger.
Grandmother Mulara encourages us to 'sing ourselves up with the energy of the land'. This serves to add our love and light energy to the Aurora Grid and helps us to notice and appreciate the natural world around us.
It's time for us to cherish and nourish our connection with Mother Nature for all the benefits she brings.
Read more on my blog -
Songlines for a New Earth.
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