There are many poignant reasons why we love Nature but how often do we really think about what it means to us? There are so many benefits it's easy to take for granted how much we rely on Nature to live a balanced and happy life. We all have different reasons to love Nature and consciously thinking about it can enhance our connection and bring us even closer to the natural world.
Here are just a few benefits of being closer to Nature that may resonate with you.
Honing in on Why Nature is so important to us helps us to appreciate the miracle of life around us. Knowing we are an integral part of Nature and how much we are sustained, inspired, healed and harmonised by the presence of Nature, increases our appreciation and gratitude which in itself is tremendously beneficial to us.
Nature never ceases to amaze us and tends to make us feel safe in an otherwise cold, mechanical and often soulless material world. It provides us with a welcome (and necessary) escape from the trials and tribulations of daily life. Our connection with Nature comes in many forms:
All these things bring us closer to Nature and if any of these things were taken away from us, they would be sorely missed. The truth about our inalienable rights as human beings to enjoy clean air, pure water, a piece of land we can call our own, healthy soil and organic, nutritious food, is something that is often hidden from us or denied in some way. This means we have to do our own work in finding out what is best for us, what makes life meaningful to us and what we need to be as healthy as we can be.
We must all take the time to do this work and seek out the things in life that are truly beneficial to us. Only then can we become a voice for Nature and ambassadors for the natural world on which we so depend.
Sue Cartwright
Spiral Leaf
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